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DJ Eugene on Donaukanal for Radsommer

  • Sa. 31.08.2019
  • 21:30 — 23:00
  • 1 h 30 mins
  • 0
  • +43 680 1254 354, Eugene Quinn
  • ionicons-v5-o eugene@whoosh.wien
  • english

Eugene will play his usual funky mix of beats and storytelling, as part of the Radsommer celebrations on Donaukanal.

Come along for a chat about future projects and dreams.

Location: next to Salztorbruecke Northside (U2 Schottenring) – Euge’s own Graetzl

Date/Time: Friday 31 August, 21:30-23:00

Cost: none

More details: https://www.facebook.com/events/455673554875873/