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VWW: Sonnwend Rooftops Tour

  • So. 01.08.2021
  • 11:00 — 13:00
  • 2 h 0 mins
  • 10. Under-14s free. 50 for all 15 tours. Es gibt kein Reservierung. Butte punktlich vor ort zu sein.
  • Hauptbahnhof vorplatz, Ausgang: Südtirolerplatz (unter die Grosse Uhr)
  • Google Maps
  • German

Vienna is growing fast, and needs plenty of new housing. The three key developments of the last ten years are all in former transport hubs: Nordbahnviertel, Seestadt and Sonnwend. And it's not just about new architecture, but also more experimental lifestyles, decision-making and social engagement. Sonnwend Ost - the newer part of the district - is full of optimistic, utopian thinking, and curiosity about how to live better.

We want to explore this exciting new space, in dialogue with residents - and creators - of this atmospheric development. There are no cars on Bloch-Bauer Promenade, only people. But to bring something fresh, we want to get out on the rooves of these houses, to show you how high up this part of north Favoriten is. The views are spectacular, and there is always a breeze up there, which will be welcome on a warm Sunday morning.

Among the questions we will look at:

Where did they live before, and how was it different to here?

What are the challenges of building a completely new part of the city?

How did the area look when they first saw it?

How did the building groups find all the future residents for their house?

What is the philosophy that brings their group together, and makes it different from the other houses?

How are decisions made inside their group?

Why do they believe they were the winners of the initial competition to get the land to build on?

How much dialogue is there with the original residents of Favoriten?

How much does it cost to live in their house?

Can non-residents attend some future events in their house?

What does gentrification mean to them?

Should all architects live in buildings which they designed themselves?

Eugene has made several tours of this area, and finds it to be the most energetic, dynamic and adventurous of the three new Vienna districts. He has been consulting with one of the houses, Grätzlmixer, on how to animate the public space in front of their home, with music, food, culture, seating and social impulses.

Wir freuen uns sehr über die finanzielle Unterstützung der Wirtschaftsagentur Wien und über die Förderung von Wien Tourismus, der Mobilitätsagentur und diversen Mediengruppen (inklusiv ORF). Außerdem sind wir stolz, dass wir in die Initiative Reparatur der Zukunft aufgenommen wurden, eine Kooperation von Ö1, Forum Alpbach, Ars Electronica und Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien.