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  • Fr. 03.12.2021
  • 09:00 — 18:00
  • 9 h 0 mins
  • Sonnwendviertel
  • +43 680 1254 354, Eugene Quinn
  • ionicons-v5-o eugene@whoosh.wien
  • english
Social innovation and education are central to Whoosh's project. We want to share great new ideas, and to learn from each other. So we are always happy when the city acknowledges this. The WU NPO Forschungsinstitut asked us to contribute to their new course bringing together worldwide practitioners in political and social trends towards better future living. And so we proposed a whole day adventure to bring these experienced professionals closer to the lived reality of Vienna pioneers.
Social innovation is adventurous new ways to change the world, usually non-profit, but at least aiming for a social benefit for the wider community.
As with all Whoosh projects, we later turn our closed events, designed for a particular group, into public events, and so will be repeating this tour in August 2022, for the wider Vienna public.
So who is innovating in Vienna? We will look at Caritas Wien, Erste Stiftung, temporary-use, pop-ups, Sonnwendviertel, urban-gardening, street art, Vollpension, Graetzlhotel, Stadt Wien (with a focus on MA 48 and MA 18), Oliver Hangl, Dominik Nostitz and the Ampelpaerchen. Plus some surprises we cannot reveal here. Wien is much more experimental than most locals realise!