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Luschnouar Spaziergäng: Walk to School campaign

  • Do. 19.05.2022
  • 07:45 — 10:30
  • 2 h 45 mins
  • gratis
  • Hasenfeld
  • German

*Because of the corona numbers right now, we must move this event to spring 2022. We will post the new date as soon as we know it is safe to meet again.

Children love adventures and connecting with friends.

But parents increasingly drive kids to school, because of fear, 'time-pressure', laziness and 'prestige'. With this experiment, we want to show young people what they are missing, when their parents choose every day to deliver them to school. How many friends do they meet on the way, in that car? How many stories will they have to tell friends, when they get there? How fit do they become while sitting in boring back seats of cars (or even SUVs)? Do they arrive at school with a lung full of air and a brain full of blood, or only stressed by the bad driving of their fellow car-driving friends' parents? What happened to the 90% of Austrian people who walked or took the bus to school in 1970?

Corona has intensified many children's sense of isolation, anxiety and depression. We want to show a simple, easy, free way to restore their sense of independence, joy, friendship and belonging, through stepping out of their front door, and knowing their home town. This project can serve as an example to many other Austrian towns, of how to encourage young people to be fitter, more engaged, more social, and to care more for their home.

This walkshop is part of the larger event, Luschnouar Spaziergäng, where the Marktgemeinde wants more residents to know and support their hometown by knowing it on foot. And for fewer people to simply drive by.

More details here: https://www.lustenau.at/de/leb...