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Luschnouar Spaziergäng: Future Walk-leader training

  • Fr. 20.05.2022
  • 13:00 — 17:00
  • 4 h 0 mins
  • Gratis
  • German

*Because of the fourth corona wave, we have moved this event to next spring. No date is fixed yet.

The theme of our age is sustainability. Every project should last long, and produce useful and lasting results, instead of just an initial burst of energy. So we want our walking project in Lustenau to belong to residents, and for them to pick up on the concept and run with it.
Eugene will offer a half-day fun seminar, where residents learn how to develop a walk concept, research it, promote the tour through good photography and media storytelling, and finally to deliver an entertaining and colourful event which people want to join, and talk about later. We are always happy when the media find a theme useful enough to build a story around, but also when locals see that the story of their town is being developed through a street project. It should happen more often.
We live in an age of participation, where citizens can tell their own story, instead of waiting for elections to give a voice to their ideas.
Please join us to tell new Lustenau stories, meet other engaged locals, and to make the Marktgemeinde better in future. This is town-planning and participation in action.
And Eugene has 10 new concepts for future tours, which you can pick up and improve. He will not be in Lustenau after 27 November, and so we are looking for residents to develop and celebrate Lustenau from new perspectives. Other Austrian towns are envious of this project, and want to copy it. Be part of the original, innovative transformation in Laendle Mobilitaet: https://www.derstandard.at/sto...
This event is free, and everybody is welcome. You can also create future tours as a group, in case you want to share skills, knowledge and time with fellow residents.
Register here: https://www.lustenau.at/de/leb...