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H22: How to deal with the 'difficult ones': Maria Vassilakou & Eugene speak in Sweden

  • Mi. 01.06.2022
  • 14:00 — 15:30
  • 1 h 30 mins
  • conference ticket required
  • HAV, Helsingborg, Sweden
  • english

At Urban Future conference in Helsingborg, Sweden, Eugene will moderate an unusual discussion, listening to experts explain how they have negotiated change in their cities, in the face of tough opposition from residents, press, rival politicians, or their own colleagues. With humour and interesting stories, we will get insight into best-practice, and mistakes to avoid.

Eugene is unusually placed in this topic, since he is both a difficult one, and a person who has faced stiff pushback to his own efforts at change, from colleagues. As well as Maria Vassilakou, former leader of the Vienna Greens and Deputy Mayor, panellists will be Hanna Marcussen, Vice Mayor of Oslo, and Philine Gaffron, Senior Researcher at Hamburg TU.