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Urban Future Congress: Eugene plays songs about global cities in DJ bar, Sweden

  • Sa. 04.06.2022
  • 01:00 — 04:00
  • 3 h 0 mins
  • 0
  • tbc
  • english

Music is universal, and yet it helps us tell our local story. In cooperation with Torino players, Utopian Hours (check out TorinoStratosferica), dj Eugene invites all participants of the Urban Future Global Conference to come give us a song from your home town, which says something about place and belonging. We will go global, and local. And dance in the port city of Helsingborg - just across the water from Copenhagen. This event is of course also open to locals - everyone welcome.

We aim to play a song from each participating city, at this after-party, and then type the name of the city on a big screen, only after 30 seconds, so that delegates can speculate before that, where the tune might come from. Of course, everybody can nominate a tune from their home town, to make the event 100% interactive.
