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Wien Museum „Augenblick! Straßenfotografie in Wien“: Eugene & Eva tour Best People-watching Places

  • Fr. 15.07.2022
  • 16:30 — 19:00
  • 2 h 30 mins
  • https://www.wienmuseum.at/de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung/augenblick-strassenfotografie-in-wien-eugene-eva-fuehren-zu-den-besten-plaetzen-zum-people-watching-15-07-2022-1630 No entry without tickets
  • Vor CI Cafe International, Payerg. 14, 1160 (Bim 44, U6 Josefstädterstr.)
  • German

Some cities are famous for their lively streets and people. Vienna less so. But Eugene wants to show you, on this summer stroll, where to find the best spots for people-watching in Vienna. He has long celebrated the Fellini-esque quality of some places here: Favoritenstrasse, Donaukanal, Museumsquartier, some streets in Neubau, and most of all, Yppenplatz in Ottakring.
Eugene calls this phenomenon Street Capital - a new way to measure the joy and community we feel on some streets, specially in the districts with most migrants, but not in the relatively boring, lifeless streets in rich parts of town, dominated by cars and with very few people hanging out.

On this tour, Eugene is thrilled to make a coproduction with Westlicht's Eva Mühlbacher: "Ich bin Fotografin und Kunstvermittlerin in Wien. Regelmäßig organisiere ich analoge Photowalks für das Fotomuseum WestLicht, bei denen wir in den Straßen des 15. und 7. Bezirks mit den unterschiedlichsten Kameras fotografieren. Dabei taucht immer wieder die Frage auf: Ist die klassische Straßenfotografie in Zeiten von Datenschutz überhaupt noch möglich? Welche neuen Möglichkeiten ergeben sich, um fremde Menschen auf der Straße zu fotografieren und interessante Momente einzufangen. Gerne teile ich meine Erfahrungen mit euch und bringe eine alte analoge Kamera zum ausprobieren mit."

We are honoured to cooperate once again with Wien Museum, our excellent, critical, humorous city museum. We have combined with this mighty institution for ten years now, starting with the first ever Tischgespraeche in April 2012, followed by four tours: Russian Wien, all of Otto Wagner on his birthday (12 hour tour), 10 Gemeindebauten from 10 Decades (for the 100 years of Rotes Wien expo, in Floridsdorf) and Gumpendorferstrasse's psychogeography & creative networks.
The new Wien Museum exhibition explores our city through the eyes of street photographers, and runs from 19 May til 23 October 2022. In MUSA.