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VWW: Der Kleine Josef

  • Fr. 05.08.2022
  • 13:00 — 15:15
  • 2 h 15 mins
  • 10, or €50 for all 15 tours. U14 gratis! Es gibt kein Reservierung. Bitte punktlich vor ort zu sein.
  • 8., Tulpengasse 6, on the square. Easy to find us!
  • +43 680 1254 354, Eugene Quinn
  • ionicons-v5-o eugene@whoosh.wien
  • German

Every summer, Vienna Walking Week explores 2 districts, one inside and one outside the famous - and destructive - Guertel.
Josefstadt is the smallest District in Austria. But it is bursting with flavour. Previously viewed as a fancy district where older women go to die, it is developing into a colourful place to live, with interesting food, contemporary street culture and a new Green district leader.
Since walk leader Eugene's son is called Josef (he should have been called Whoosh, but Monika fought against this), he feels a connection with the place, and wants to come closer to it. His colleague Dominik Nostitz is truly a native of the district, and makes the Josefstaedterstrassenfest every September into one of the most distinctive and playful fests in our city. There is even a table for people called Josefina and Josef, and my son is nearly always the only person on the table under 60 years old. And all those people eat free, as a way to animate Josef-ness.
This is a Bezirk opposite the Rathaus, but also fancy and settled. It is one of the most elegant parts of our elegant city, with fine squares, houses and people. But it is also on the Guertel, lacks green space and its reputation is far from cool.
We want to show you some insider details, great architecture and interesting insiders who bring this Graetzl alive. Because it faces Neubau, Ottakring and the Innenstadt, of course it has good food, music and ideas. Join our tour to find out more.