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Turning Points - Eugene presents to incoming Leuphana Students

  • Di. 11.10.2022
  • 17:30 — 18:15
  • 0 h 45 mins
  • -
  • https://leuphana.zoom.us/j/2733237205?pwd=Umk5OUt5WW1Fckxibmw0SHk5M3g0Zz09
  • english
Leuphana University in Lüneburg is one of the most innovative in Germany, based on a British model of progressive learning. Eugene will be presenting to the latest group of students, in their initiation week, how various turning points in his life brought him to creating Whoosh, and what we do here in Vienna. It is meant to give impulses to the students, about how they might learn and work in the future. Please join us for this lively and interactive online presentation.