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Presentation for Urban Future Conference Stuttgart: Coolest Street Interventions Worldwide

  • Di. 20.06.2023
  • 09:45 — 10:00
  • 0 h 15 mins
  • entry with conference ticket - see above
  • Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Baden Wuertenberg.
  • German

Samba to flashmobs, protest to raves: reclaiming the streets for creative play – best practice around the world

All over the world, people are looking for ways to reduce traffic, and increase the use of public space for people. While we still have such big roads, Eugene will present beautiful examples from different continents, of people spontaneously turning streets into parties, sites of vivid protest, or a space for creativity. We want to inspire authorities to take action, and with many mayors in the audience, we are optimistic.

Thanks to Whoosh colleague Matthias for all the editing and attention to detail. Every collective needs a Matthias! This will provide an impulse for the following Cities4Mobility Forum.