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How to break up men’s love affair with their cars: Eugene chairs Male-only session at UF congress

  • Do. 22.06.2023
  • 14:00 — 15:30
  • 1 h 30 mins
  • entry with conference ticket
  • Stuttgart Haus der Wirtschaft
  • english

How to break up men’s love affair with their cars

If men used public transport as much as women did, cities would have reached their emission targets already. Evidently, they don’t, & in this session, we’ll be looking at the root causes: why most men continue to identify with certain masculine traits that not only ruin the planet but are also so 1999. This is not simply about taking their toys away from the boys; this is about making men great again!

This is the first time Eugene will host a male-only event, and it will be intriguing to see how this is enforced. Since his soul is deeply female, it will be odd. But as somebody who has never had a driver's licence - and never missed having one - he will for sure be bringing some insights. And in Europe's motor city, this panel is specially valuable, and provocative.

Part of the Urban Future congress, Europe's largest smart city gathering