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  • Fr. 28.07.2023
  • 10:00 — 13:00
  • 3 h 0 mins
  • 10, oder €50 für die gesamte Woche. Kinder gratis.
  • U4 Heiligenstadt, Ausgang: Boschstr, (vor Karl Marx Hof). Wir gehen bei jedes Wetter. Keine anmeldung Möglich - einfach vorort zu sein, ein paar minuten vor der wegfahrt.
  • German

Vienna Walking Week is our attempt to show the Viennese our city from new perspectives. There are many parts of Vienna which remain less-explored, and here is one.

Many people pass through here on their way to Klosterneuburg, Kahlenberg or Grinzing. But we want you to stay and explore a complex, hilly and atmospheric part of north Wien.

From Kreisky Forum (his former home), to Hedy Lamarr's Graetzl, iconic Karl Marx Hof social housing, so many beautiful Josef Hoffmann villas (including a former art collective), plus great views, pretty parks, Beethoven's museum and the messy politics of the Bezirk. The Saudi Embassy is here, but also Egypt and Vienna's oldest restaurant.

Why is Vienna's weather measured at Hohe Warte, why is Austria's oldest football club here, how are the Heurigen surviving the crisis, but also the Buschenschanke, vineyards and cruise industry which often docks here and had so little Danube water in summer 2022?

So much to explore - please join us!