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VWW: Gipfeltreffe

  • Di. 23.07.2024
  • 13:00 — 15:30
  • 2 h 30 mins
  • 10, oder €50 fuer die gesamte Woche. Kinder gratis. Keine reservierung möglich. Wir gehen bei jede wetter.
  • 19., Station Sievering der Buslinie 39A
  • German

Vienna is unusual in being built on some mountains - and containing a national park and Europe's second longest river. You can say that geography is unusually present in our city living and urban topography. We will walk from the top of Vienna's highest point, up on Hermannskogel, to the second highest, on Kahlenberg. It will be energetic, but also enjoyable. The highest peak we will reach today is 542m above sea level. We will experience fresh air, spectacular views, get a sense of the Stadtwanderwege the City has created, but also walk through forests, far away from the urban hustle. We are lucky to have this opportunity to escape, while staying not far from public transport, inside city limits.