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Whoosh Goes Hamburg! - Eugene creates 5 Events for Ashoka Europe Social Innovation Conference

  • Mi. 04.09.2024 — 07.09.2024 00:00
  • 00:00
  • 0 h 0 mins
  • Free for Fellows.
  • All over Hamburg
  • english

Eugene is invited to create a range of Whoosh events for the annual meeting of Ashoka in Europe. Ashoka: Innovators for the Public is an American-based non-profit organisation that promotes social entrepreneurship by connecting and supporting individual social entrepreneurs.

Alongside an intro walk for queer campaigners and indigenous rights activists from USA, Eugene will make a midnight tour, looking at Hamburg's legendary nightlife and street scene, plus a social-dining event with questions focused on Ashoka aims, a DJ party and the increasingly in-demand feminism for men tour, looking at how men women and men use public space differently, from parks and public transport to shopping and sports. Finally a presentation on better uses for streets than cars, and another on how Whoosh approaches challenges in contemporary Vienna.

Ashoka is named after Emperor Ashoka, 3rd-Century BC ruler of what is now part of India. He promoted philosophical tolerance and the importance of morality when working for the public good.

'Ashoka identifies social entrepreneurs with solutions to social problems, who seek to make large-scale changes to society. Ashoka searches for individuals who have vision, creativity and determination, and are motivated by public gain rather than personal gain.'

Some countries consider Ashoka to be a non-governmental organisation, Ashoka itself prefers the term citizen-sector organization in order to emphasise what it is, rather than what it is not. According to Ashoka, citizen-sector organizations are groups of citizens who care and act to serve others and cause needed change.

This is not a public event, but serves as a reminder of the visibility, range and influence of our work.