In September 2023, Whoosh staged the Austrian Citizenship Test in a pub quiz format, for Vienna Design Week, all over Leopoldstadt. But never in a pub - instead Magdas Hotel, Fluc, Sigmund Freud Gymnasium, Central Garden, Mustafa's Cafe Gärtner & a SPÖ pensioners' club. Christine Koblitz, responsible for Wien Museum's Engagement Management, saw potential to adapt the concept for her museum, and so we sat and developed the idea of a Vienna-focused, 2-hour quiz, with beer, up on the roof of the museum, which you can see in the image below.
We are honoured to cooperate once again with Wien Museum, our excellent, critical, contemporary, humorous city museum. We have combined with this mighty institution for thirteen years now, starting with the first ever Tischgespräche in April 2012, followed by six tours: Russian Wien, all of Otto Wagner on his birthday (12 hour tour), 10 Gemeindebauten from 10 Decades, in Floridsdorf (for the 100 years of Rotes Wien expo), Gumpendorferstrasse's psychogeography & creative networks, the best spots for people-watching in Vienna, as part of the Street Photography exhibition, and in early 2023, a tour of the atmosphere in Vienna in 1923, as part of the Bauhaus exhibition (when Eugene was on crutches with a broken ankle).
The pub quiz is monthly, with cool prizes, and a focus on current exhibitions in the museum, plus music, politics, history, architecture, city living, celebrities, food, literature, and whatever is happening in the city at the time. You do not need to come with a whole team, but can join with others spontaneously, to form your own team. Tell your friends about our experiment.
Pub comes from the English legal term of a public house - a communal drinking space. In Georgian Britain, it was not permitted to drink privately. Quiz is a word out of British English also, meaning to ask questions. After our first quiz in September, about Democracy, our second edition was focused on food and drink in the city followed by winter rituals. As with all Whoosh events, we hope participants come for the entertainment factor, but leave with new ideas and knowledge.
Nach einem Abend über die Frauen, widmen wir uns den restlichen 49% der Wiener Bevölkerung – den Männern. Wir feiern die Herren der Schöpfung, von den Dandys bis zu den Dudes, von den Denkern bis zu den Draufgängern. Anstatt harter Muskeln sind graue Zellen gefragt!
Egal ob ihr euch als Jungs, Jünger oder einfach nur als Quiz-Junkies identifiziert – alle sind willkommen. Gespielt wird zu sechst. Bildet ein Team mit euren Freund:innen oder kommt alleine und schließt euch einem Team vor Ort an! Ob ihr über Sigmund Freud mehr wisst als über eure Westentasche oder Kottan euer heimlicher Held ist – zeigt, was in euch steckt!
After our March focus on women, we focus on the other 49% of the population... men. We'll look at dandies and dudes, strong men and big thinkers, drag queens and composers. Haeupl to Qualtinger, Kottan to Brahms, Resetarits to Stefan Zweig, Conchita to Otto Wagner. And of course, Freud.
Presented by Christine and Eugene. Here is a link to buy tickets. Our events sell out fast. This will be our last joint event, so enjoy us while you can.