The 1960s was a moment of great optimism and social change. People were excited about a new, more technological future, and were shaking off the conservatism of the post-war period. It was the age of space exploration, of breakthroughs like the pill, and of course of new music, art and freedom. This was reflected in the experimental architecture of the time.
Examples of this style in Vienna include Espresso Cafe, Filmcasino, Volkspavillon, Donauturm, Cafe Prückel, Arbeiterkammer, Gartenbaukino, Georg-Emmerling-Hof (Schewdenplatz), 21er Haus, Westbahnhof, Stadthalle, Wien Museum, Magdas Hotel, Don Bosco Kirche, Kapaunplatz Kirche, Hotel Prinz Eugen, Sendeanlage Bisamberg, Kapuzinergruft, Kirche Neuerdberg, Bortolotti Eis, Bundesbad Alte Donau and Atomreaktor Prater.
This period in architecture and design has recently become fashionable again, and is in so much demand in vintage shops. Retro-futurism!
Every summer at Vienna Walking Week, Eugene explores a different moment in our building history, with the 2023 theme Baroque (featuring some loud music from Mozart, etc), and in 2024 Jugendstil. In 2026, it will be art deco.
Walking Week is eight days full of new perspectives on our city, and builds into a holiday at home, or #tourismforlocals.